Alon Ron, a graduate of Bar Ilan University, was admitted to the Israel Bar in 1995.
Adv. Ron joined the law firm of Dr. J. Weinroth & Co. while still a law student and worked at the firm for about 12 years – as pre-intern, intern (under the supervision of Dr. Jacob Weinroth), associate and partner.
In 2002, together with Shmuel Leshem and Nimrod Vardi, he founded the law firm of Vardi Leshem Ron.
Practice Areas
Adv. Ron specializes in criminal litigation (‘white collar’ crime) and civil litigation, and heads the firm’s Litigation Department.
In the field of criminal litigation, Adv. Ron specializes in defense of suspects and defendants in white-collar offenses, including securities offenses, money laundering, breaches of duty by corporate officers and civil servants, tax offenses, and other economic offenses.
In his civil litigation practice, Adv. Ron represents the firm’s clients in legal proceedings before all tribunals in a range of areas of civil law, commercial law and real estate, with special expertise in corporate law and securities law.
In addition, Adv. Ron provides ongoing personal counsel to senior figures in the Israeli market.
Adv. Ron represents leading corporations in Israel. Over the years he has represented prominent figures in the Israeli business community in general, and in the capital and financial markets in particular.
Contact: alon@vlr-law.co.il